Tuesday, April 17, 2012

April 16th - The End

This is a bit belated, but we made it home safely! It was a very long travel day, but we manage to survive! Hopefully everyone made the choice to stay home today and rest. I personally was completely exhausted. It was weird waking up in America. I definitely experienced a tiny bit of culture shock, especially when I realized that people actually follow traffic laws here. 
I realize that I’ve said very little negative things about the trip throughout the blog, but that was not because I was instructed to write things with a rose tinted view. I actually did have a wonderful time. I managed to get to know people in band much better and make many new friends. I got to experience an entirely different culture and reminded myself of what it feels like to be an alien in an unfamiliar land. I met the students from Beijing 57 and discovered that they’re exactly like us. I realized that a smile is a universal symbol of happiness and can be used to bridge any language or cultural barriers. It was exhilarating, brilliant, fantastic, wonderful, and I wish I had my thesaurus with me so that I could come up with a thousand more words. I got to experience something that some people could never even dream of doing and I feel so very blessed. 
And thus ends the 2012 China trip. 

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